SQL Server 2008–Mirroring

Bom dia.

Encontrei mais alguns recursos sobre o assunto, desta vez um vídeo-tutorial no YouTube.


Há mais vídeos do mesmo autor: Clustering, Replication, Log Shipping, Database Snapshots…

Também para referência, há um artigo na Knowledge Base sobre Mirroring:

“Things to consider when setting up database mirroring in SQL Server”

You need to consider the following five factors when setting up database mirroring in SQL Server environment […] :

  • Amount of RAM available on the principal and mirror servers (RAM).
  • Processing power of the principal and mirror servers (CPU).
  • Bandwidth available for the I/O subsystem on the principal and mirror servers
  • Network bandwidth between the two servers.
  • Volume of transactions on the principal database that generate transaction log records



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